What is PiECES?

PiECES stands for Partners in Education Community Educating Students. It’s an afterschool program that provides free afterschool programming for students K-6 from school dismissal until 6 p.m. in your child’s building Monday through Friday on full school days.

PiECES strives to provide innovative programs and services that cultivate the educational and social-emotional growth of youth and families. PiECES encourages the holistic growth of each student through hands-on enrichment in the areas of academics, character development, health, physical exercise and creativity.

Students enrolled in PiECES enjoy STEM, music, cooking and arts activities, student-driven clubs and homework help.

We also provide transportation home for students who qualify for day-school busing.

PiECES is made possible by 21st Century Community Learning Center grants and community partnerships.

Evaluation Results

BCSDS hires and external evaluator to review our PiECES programs on an annual basis. Listed below are the results of these evaluations. Questions about the evaluation report may be made to Cassie Gerst.

The PiECES Effect

Empowering students to participate

The majority of students attending PiECES say being in the program allowed them to try new things and volunteer in class more.

Empowering with positive experiences

Teachers agree that most students attending PiECES have improved in their social-emotional development.

Celebrating student success

Most students who regularly attend PiECES will improve their state assessment scores in Reading and Math.

Afterschool programming that kids love

Parents of students attending PiECES say the best part about the program is "Kids love it!"

PiECES kids don't want to leave

70% of students who attend PiECES reported they attend the program because they want to be there.

Growing the positive

Most students in PiECES say the program helps them feel good about themselves, get along better with friends, and stay out of trouble after school.

Quality programming

Parents of students attending PiECES say one of the best parts of the program is that it is a free, safe learning environment.

Celebrating families

Most parents say that PiECES offers them an opportunity to have a greater role in their child's education.

Learning through fun

PiECES students say the best part of PiECES is learning new things and the fun activities they do.

Freedom to flourish

The majority of students attending PiECES say being in the program allowed them to try new things and volunteer in class more.

Fostering positive relationships

Most PiECES staff believe our program makes a positive difference in the lives of students they serve.

Promoting presence of body & mind

Most students who attend PiECES regularly improve their school day attendance.

Proactive positivity

The majority of students attending PiECES improve their self-regulation skills.


Sibyl McIntire

Grant Coordinator
Sibyl McIntire

Presley Smith

Secretary to Grants & Outreach
Staff Placeholder Image

Angela Garcia

PiECES Site Coordinator
Staff Placeholder Image