BCSD’s YouthNet Collaborative is a family, school, and community partnership to help our students and parents thrive through the joint efforts of community collaborations.
The foundation of the YouthNet Collaborative is the Search Institute’s Developmental Asset and Developmental Relationships framework. Based on decades of research in youth resilience, the Search Institute has identified 40 positive experiences and qualities that youth need to become confident, caring, and contributing members of our society as an adult. The greater number of assets that a youth has in his/her life, the better able the adolescent is to overcome adversity and thrive.
BCSD YouthNet programming at a glance
PiECES Free Afterschool Program
PiECES Afterschool Program is available to students at each of our K-6 buildings throughout the district.
PiECES is held at the end of each full school day until 6 p.m.
McKinney-Vento Assistance
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides assistance to children and youth who are experiencing homelessness. To learn more about these services and to see if you qualify, contact Sibyl McIntire at 319-753-6791 ext. 1413.
Club M
Club M is a one-on-one youth mentoring program that matches K-4th grade students in Burlington Community School District with High School Peer Mentors. Mentors and the type of mentoring matches that are supported by Club M vary depending on the type of match that best suits the needs of the youth and his/her parent. Club M consists of school-based peer matches that meet on school grounds over the course of the school year.
GEAR UP Iowa (BHS Class of 2029)
GEAR UP Iowa is a program supporting students to prepare, enroll, and persist through college. GEAR UP stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs and is a federally funded program. In partnerships with local school districts, students and their families receive services aimed at preparing them academically, financially, and inspirationally to enroll and succeed in college.