Our Transportation Department’s top priority is ensuring the safe and efficient transport of students to and from school and various school-related activities. We are committed to providing reliable bus services that support our district’s mission of inspiring and challenging students through diverse opportunities. Here, you’ll find important information about guidelines for riding the bus.

Our goal is to create a smooth and secure transportation experience that contributes to a positive and productive school day for every student.

Who can ride a school bus?

The following groups are entitled to transportation to and from their attendance center at the expense of the school district:

  • K-4 students living more than 1 mile from their school
  • Grades 5-8 students living more than 2 miles from their school
  • Students in grades 9-12 living more than 3 miles from their school
  • Students who must cross main highways or thoroughfares to reach their designated school.

Learn more about transportation policies

Students ride city bus for free

The city of Burlington and the Burlington Community School District are partnering to provide free city busing for Burlington students. 

Per a pilot program launched in the 2023-24 school year, BCSD students are able to access the Burlington Urban Services (BUS) free of charge during BUS’s regular days and hours of operation so long as they present their current school ID.

Find BUS schedules & routes

Students may use last year’s ID until they receive their new one. 

This program will supplement, not replace, the district’s existing transportation department to further meet the needs of and remove barriers for our students. 


Terri Miskovic

Interim Supervisor for Transportation
Terri Miskovic