The Burlington Community School District Curriculum Department works with teachers and principals to make sure they have the resources, supports and training they need to ensure that our district is having a profoundly positive impact on each student’s adult quality of life. We collaborate with teachers, parents and community members to meet the requirements of the Iowa Department of Education while also ensuring that students are provided with enriching and quality instruction. 

Department responsibilities

  • Facilitate the development, implementation and evaluation of curriculum
  • Support teachers as they study and implement research-based instructional practices
  • Coordinate programs that give students the support and resources they need for success such as 504, English Learners, Talented and Gifted, Extended Learning Program, and Special Education
  • Provides professional learning opportunities for staff
  • Implementation of the Iowa Professional Development Model to promote continuous improvement
  • Support new teachers and their mentors
  • Implement BCSD’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation Model
  • Ensure BCSD is compliant with local, state and federal requirements
  • Coordinate state and federal programs such as Title, Every Student Succeeds Act, At-risk, Early Literacy, and Home School Assistance Program

Iowa Academic Standards and Accreditation

The Educational Program of the Burlington Community School District is designed to meet the requirements set forth by the State of Iowa as defined by the Iowa Academic Standards and 281 – Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 12.

The Iowa Academic Standards can be found at

More information about Chapter 12 Accreditation Requirements can be found at

Information and Resources

The Iowa School Performance Profiles is an online tool showing how public schools performed on required measures. The website was developed to meet both federal and state requirements for publishing online school report cards. Data can be found here that reflects disaggregated results for academic performance at a district and a building level.  

Iowa Academic Standards

Iowa School Performance Profiles

Instructional Materials

The term “instructional materials” shall include printed materials, audio-visual materials, and computer-based materials, and shall include materials used in the classroom and available in the media centers.  The selection of instructional materials shall be delegated to the instructional staff, under the supervision of the administrative staff. (Board Policy 604.1)

Parents and other members of the school district community may view the instructional and library materials used by the students. All instructional materials, including teacher’s manuals, films, tapes or other supplementary material which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any federally funded programs must be available for inspection by parents. Instructional and library materials may be viewed on school district premises with a scheduled appointment. (Board Policy 604.6 and Board Policy 604.7)

Additional information regarding the review of, or objection to instructional materials can be found on the District website or by contacting the Director of Curriculum at 319-753-6791.  

Application to Distribute Materials

2022 BCSD Computer Science Plan


Monica Mundt

TLC Teacher Leadership and Mentoring Coordinator
Monica Mundt

Linda Kulp

Curriculum Secretary
Linda Kulp

Nicole Chaillie

Secretary For Special Services
Nicole Chaillie

Stephanie Vititoe

Assistant Director of Curriculum
Stephanie Vititoe

Daysha Murray

Data Specialist
Daysha Murray

Cory Johnson

Director of Curriculum
Cory Johnson