Explore Extracurriculars

A Message from Jay Huff

Huff Jay 477

As the Activities Director for the Burlington Community School District, I would like to personally welcome you to the extracurricular programs at Burlington High School. It is our goal that each participant will have a positive, educational experience.

Our extracurricular programs provide many valuable lessons and we hope that all of our student-athletes will become better people for having been a participant in our programs.

Home-schooled students are eligible for athletics in our school district if they are dual enrolled. For more information, please contact the Administration office.

This Extracurricular Handbook has been developed to inform you of the various policies and procedures of the Burlington Athletic Program. It is very important that not only the student-athlete but also the parents/guardians read through this handbook and become familiar with this information.

A copy of the Emergency Information and Acknowledgement /Insurance sheet along with a completed up-to-date physical form, must be returned to the Activities Office before any participation in extracurricular practices or contests will be permitted. As you read through this handbook please pay particular attention to the “Good Conduct Rule” and the “Academic Requirements.” Your complete understanding of these two areas will help eliminate potential future problems and set out how important good conduct and academic achievement are viewed by the Activities Department and our Burlington Community School District.

Your success in our extracurricular programs will be determined by your attitude and effort. Best of luck to you as you set your personal and team goals and work to attain these. The doors to our Activities Office are always open to you. Feel free to stop in for assistance and guidance or to offer your suggestions, or call 3l9-753-22ll, ext. 1044 or 1021.

Let’s display our loyalty and support and be proud to be a GRAYHOUND.

Sincerely Yours,
Jay Huff
Activities Director


Kira Harris

Activities Secretary
Kira Harris

Jay Huff

Athletic Director
Jay Huff