GEAR UP Iowa is a program supporting students to prepare, enroll, and persist through college. GEAR UP stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs and is a federally funded program. In partnerships with local school districts, students and their families receive services aimed at preparing them academically, financially, and inspirationally to enroll and succeed in college.

This seven-year grant program supports the cohort of Burlington students who are on track to graduate Burlington High School in 2029 with a goal of increasing:

  • Academic performance and preparation for postsecondary
  • High school graduation and enrollment in postsecondary
  • Student and family knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation and financing

GEAR UP Iowa website
GEAR UP Iowa presentation slide deck

GEAR UP Objectives

1. Collaborative Alignment with State college & Career Readiness Efforts

Increase student academic performance and preparation for postsecondary education.

A specific percentage of GEAR UP Iowa students will:

  • Performance Measure 1: 91% of GUI students will pass Algebra 1 by the end of 9th grade
  • Performance Measure 2: 94% of GUI students will be promoted on-time to successive grade levels
  • Performance Measure 3: 23% of GUI students who will place into college-level math without remediation
  • Performance Measure 4: 38% of GUI students who will place into college level English without remediation

2. College & Career Advising, Exploration, Experiences, & Transition Support

Increase rates of high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment.

A specific percentage of GEAR UP Iowa students will:

  • Performance Measure 5: 92% of GUI students who regularly attend school
  • Performance Measure 6: 89% of GUI students who graduate from high school
  • Performance Measure 7: 45% of GUI students and former GUI students who are enrolled at an IHE
  • Performance Measure 8: 75% of current and former GUI students who enrolled at an IHE and persisted to the second year at the initial or subsequent IHE

3. Targeted Wrap-Around Supports for Disadvantaged Students

Increase student and family knowledge of postsecondary education options, preparation, and financing.

A specific percentage of GEAR UP Iowa students will:

  • Performance Measure 9: 60% of GUI students who expect to enroll in a 2- or 4-year college after high school
  • Performance Measure 10: 45% of GUI Students complete the FAFSA

GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship

The GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship provides awards to students who are part of GEAR UP Iowa. The GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship will be at least the minimum of the Federal Pell Award, which is approximately $750 each year. Scholarship funds are sent directly to the college or university the student is attending and can be used to pay tuition & fees, room & board, books & supplies and personal living expenses while in school.

To receive the GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship funds, each student must:

  • Have a high school diploma, high school equivalency diploma (HiSET/GED), or home school diploma
  • Be a GEAR UP Iowa Program participant, as certified by GEAR UP Iowa staff at Iowa College Aid
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen as defined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Be under the age of 22 upon first receipt of GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship funds
  • Enroll in at least 3 semester hours (or trimester or quarter equivalent) in a Title IV eligible undergraduate program of study at a Title IV college/university in Iowa or out-of-state
  • Complete the FAFSA annually to apply for funding
  • Meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress policies of their college/university to receive the GEAR UP Iowa Scholarship in subsequent years

To learn more about this program, contact GEAR UP Iowa coach Ivy Tranter by emailing


Sibyl McIntire

Grant Coordinator
Sibyl McIntire

Ivy Tranter

GEAR UP Iowa Coach
Staff Placeholder Image