TAP is a partnership between Burlington High School & Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) committed to assisting eligible young adults in becoming independent and successful citizens and employees. 

TAP participants receive assistance in the areas of vocational, educational, and life skills services. An individual must be eligible for IVRS services and a student at Burlington High School. 

TAP helps participants develop positive work skills in order to find and keep employment. 


Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services-eligible Students

Have access to:

  • Soft skills, work skills, pre-employment readiness training, job placement assistance and job retention training
  • Job exploration counseling
  • Work-based learning opportunities
  • Counseling on opportunities
  • Workplace Readiness Training
  • Instruction on self advocacy
  • Individual services based on student needs
  • Year-round support
  • Development of individualized employment plan with vocational counselor

Potentially Eligible Students

Have access to:

  • Job exploration counseling
  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Counseling on opportunities
  • Workplace readiness training
  • Instruction on self-advocacy
  • Services end upon completion of high school

To apply for the TAP program, click here.


Ashley Spiekermeier

Transitional Alliance Program Coordinator
Ashley Spiekermeier