Burlington High School offers a balanced curriculum of more than 200 courses in 11 instructional areas. BHS students are required to earn 48 credits to graduate, but they are encouraged to earn more so they can get the most out of their high school experience.


Graduation credit is awarded based upon the meeting pattern each Trimester. A course meeting daily during the
trimester receives one credit. A course meeting on alternate days receives one-half credit per trimester. The amount of credit for each course is listed in the Program of Studies Booklet.

Graduation ceremonies shall be held once each year at the close of the third trimester. To be eligible to take part in graduation exercises and receive a diploma, a student is required to have earned credits in accordance with the regulations set forth and must be a student in good standing before the completion of the senior year.

For a complete list of courses, check out the BHS Program of Studies.

Burlington Diploma

A total of 48 credits is required for graduation with a Burlington Community School District
diploma. A credit represents one trimester of study meeting daily or the equivalent thereof. The amount of credit for each course is published annually. A minimum of a “D-” grade is required to earn a credit.

The following required credits must be included for a Burlington Community School District diploma, unless the student qualifies for an Individual Education program:

Minimum standards of the Iowa State Department of Public Instruction and North Central Association are met and often exceeded. Specific course offerings and graduation requirements reflect these standards.

8 credits including:
2 credits English 1 or equivalent
2 credits English 2 or equivalent
2 credits English 3 or equivalent
1 credit English 4*
1 credit Speech*
Social Studies
6 credits including:
2 credits World Studies or AP Euro Study or equivalent
2 credits American Studies or AP U.S. History or equivalent
1 credit Behavior Science or equivalent
1 credit Government or equivalent
6 credits including:
2 trimesters of Algebra I or equivalent
2 trimesters of Geometry or equivalent
2 additional trimesters of Math
6 credits including:
2 trimesters of Biology or equivalent
2 trimesters of either Physical Science or Physics or equivalent
2 trimesters of either Chemistry or Practical Applications of Science or equivalent
Physical Education & Health
4 PE credits (at least 1 required per year)
1 Health credit
Financial Literacy
1 trimester of Financial Literacy
*Multiple courses meet this requirement

Students are required to earn a total of 5 credits in the area of physical education/health. A student who fails to successfully complete a physical education course, and then subsequently is medically unable to participate in physical education, shall make up the physical education course at a later time when possible.


Electives shall be chosen by the student in consultation with parents, teachers, and counselors to complete the
total number of required credits for graduation.

Students Requiring Special Education.

The Iowa State Board of Education amended Iowa’s special education rules to conform with ESSA-required language related to the graduation of individuals eligible for special education. This amendment makes clear that a regular high school diploma must be fully aligned to State required standards. In Iowa’s case, that would be the graduation requirements set forth in Iowa Code section 256.7(26): four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies, and three years of science (“4-3-3-3”). To earn a regular high school diploma going forward, a child with a disability must complete 4-3-3-3. It is no longer permissible to award a regular high school diploma based on IEP goal attainment solely.

Pre-High School Credits

Students who complete required high school credits (e.g. Algebra) in an accredited school in the
United States prior to high school will have the course recorded in the high school record.
Senior Year Plus. Credits earned in accordance with the Senior Year Plus program will be counted towards graduation. The grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript, will be calculated in the student’s grade point average, and will count towards class rank.

Transfers In

If a student has previously attended an accredited school in the United States, appropriate course credit shall
apply towards graduation requirements. Grades from the prior accredited school in the United States will be recorded in the student’s transcript, will be calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average, and will apply towards class rank.

Competent Private Instruction

A student who received competent private instruction and showed appropriate progress
in accordance with law may receive a Burlington Community School District diploma provided the student meets all of the following requirements:

  1. The student must earn both the required minimum number of total credits and the required number of subject area credits by a combination of credits from competent private instruction and from completion of courses in an accredited school in the United States.
  2. The student must earn a minimum of 24 credits from enrollment in an accredited school in the United States.
  3. The student must earn a minimum of one credit in Government and a minimum of one credit in American Studies from an accredited school in the United States.
  4. The student must demonstrate proficiency in the course work accepted from competent private instruction. This may be either by demonstration of work in a portfolio or by testing as determined by the administration.
  5. Grades from competent private instruction will be evaluated by the curriculum director and high school principal and only those courses that meet with their approval will be included in the student’s transcript. They will not be calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average, and will not apply towards class rank.

Foreign Study

Students may earn up to 12 credits towards graduation through study in a foreign country if the coursework
is comparable and with approval in advance by the High School Principal or Curriculum Director. Grades from foreign study will not be recorded in the student’s transcript, will not be calculated in the student’s cumulative grade point average, and will not apply towards class rank. The student must earn a minimum of one credit in Government and a minimum of one credit in American Studies from an accredited school in the United States.

Early Graduation

Students are permitted to graduate at the end of a trimester or summer session provided all graduation
requirements are met. Students must complete their final trimester in the Burlington Community School District in order to qualify for early graduation, except that a student may complete the final graduation requirements in the summer. Students graduating early will be ineligible for participation in extracurricular activities and class activities, except that they may attend prom and commencement activities.

Supplemental Coursework

Sometimes students are behind in credits and need to pursue ways to make up credits so that they will be considered back on track for graduation. Students can earn credits outside the regular school day and/or school year, but must obtain administrative approval in order to use these courses for graduation purposes. Students are to seek assistance from their guidance counselor to complete the necessary paperwork for approval.

For additional information, please consult the BHS Student Handbook.