Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement shall be entitled to vacation time in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement.

Employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement and who work at least twelve months per year shall be entitled to paid vacation annually as set by the board of directors. Vacation days shall be prorated if the employee commences or terminates employment during the contract year or if the employee is on extended unpaid leave of absence. Employees may carry over unused vacation to the following contract year as set forth in district handbooks as approved by the board. Twelve month employees who have any unused vacation days may have the option for the district to buy back up to 50% of their vacation days that are awarded annually. The office of Human Resources must be notified between the dates of June 15th – June 30th of the current year if the employee wishes to have any unused vacation days bought back by the district.

The superintendent shall establish a vacation schedule. Employees will be paid for earned, unused vacation time upon termination of employment.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
November 11, 2018/ September 13, 2020
Reviewed Dates:
April 24, 2016/ August 6, 2023
Legal Reference:
20.7, 279.8, Code of Iowa