Pursuant to state law and the Iowa Administrative Code, the Board of Directors of the Burlington Community School District delegates to the District Superintendent the authority and responsibility for approval of filed Open Enrollment applications. The Board also delegates to the Superintendent the authority and responsibility for denying Open Enrollment applications.

The Superintendent shall be responsible for the following as they relate to Open Enrollment applications:

– development and implementation of administrative procedures;
– approval of applications for transfer into the District for Open Enrollment (Continuation of Education, Qualified Sibling, and Standard);
– approval or denial of applications for transfer into the District due to pervasive harassment or health reasons subject to appeal to the Board;
– approval or denial of applications out of the District due to a good cause exception subject to appeal to the District Court;
– approval or denial of applications out of the District due to pervasive harassment or health reasons, subject to appeal to the Board;
– determination of the school of attendance for all Open Enrollment transfers into the District.

The Board shall retain responsibility for approval of all applications for open enrollment into the District not timely filed. The Board also retains responsibility for denial of applications for transfer into the District when such denial is for reasons other than those enumerated above (generally, class size and program considerations).


Qualified Sibling: N/A*

Continuation of Education: N/A*

Standard Program – Approval: N/A*

Good Cause Exception: Superintendent**

Pervasive Harassment/Health: Superintendent

*Burlington District does not act on these applications. Only the receiving district acts, with the right of the Burlington District to challenge untimely applications that are approved.

**Applications which are denied by the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board of Directors for pervasive harassment or serious health concerns, all other appeals to the District Court.

Open enrollment -Board Delegation of Authority Open Enrollment Transfer into District


First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
December 8, 2002/ March 12, 2006/ January 13, 2008/ February 10, 2013
Reviewed Dates:
December 12, 2021
Legal Reference:
282.18; 281 I.A.C. Chapter 17