Joint Policy Between the City of Burlington and the Burlington School District Regarding Youth Gang Prevention Programs

508.10 Joint Policy Between the City of Burlington and the Burlington School District Regarding Youth Gang Prevention Programs


To better coordinate limited resources toward solving a critical community problem the City of Burlington and the Burlington School District pledge full support of a cooperative effort between administrations in solving youth gang issues.

The major thrust of the coordination will be a prevention program developed jointly between the two bodies utilizing police and educational resources.

Both the School District and the City of Burlington pledge to make available staff, teachers, police officers and other administrators to develop a much needed youth gang prevention program.

As part of this new cooperative effort the City and the School District will meet periodically throughout the year to review progress of the prevention program.

Both institutions acknowledge that the cornerstone of the prevention program must be a better informed public and parent awareness.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
May 21, 2000
Reviewed Dates:
July 17, 2016/ November 14, 2021