Health services are an integral part of comprehensive school improvement, assisting all students to increase learning, achievement and performance. Health services provided shall function within the framework of written health objectives that will meet the goal of helping such student protect, improve and maintain an optimal state of physical, mental and social well-being. Student health services ensure continuity and create linkages among school, home and community service providers.

Health services shall be provided in the curriculum and shall also be designed to screen for potential health problems and to assist in assuring a safe and healthful school environment. The District will annually notify parents of any physical examinations or screenings conducted on students. Health services shall include the provision of special health services.

The Board of Directors requires that all nurses providing health services hold current Iowa licenses and that non-licensed personnel providing health services are properly supervised by licensed personnel. Non-administrative personnel shall not be required to perform any special health services or intrusive nonemergency medical services for students unless they are licensed or otherwise qualified and have consented to perform the services.

First Adoption:
Reviewed Dates:
April 9, 2017/ May 8, 2022
Legal Reference:
No Child Left Behind, Title II, Section 1061, P.L. 107-110;
Chapter 139A, Chapter 143. 147.2, 256.11, 279.50, 280.3,
280.7, 280.14, 280.23, Code of Iowa; 641 I.A.C. Chapter 7;
281 I.A.C., 12.3(4), 12.3(7), 12.3(11), 12.4(12), 12.8, 41.12(6),
41.12(7), 41.12(11), 41.86, 41.96, 641 I.A.C. 7, 655 I.A.C. 6, 7