The district shall maintain a comprehensive hazardous chemical program to disseminate information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace.

Each employee shall review information about hazardous substances. Further, when a new employee is hired, orientation shall include the information and training, if necessary. When an additional hazardous substance enters the workplace, information about it shall be distributed and training shall be conducted for the appropriate employees. The superintendent shall maintain a file indicating when training and information sessions takes place.

Employees who will be instructing or otherwise working with students shall disseminate information about the hazardous chemicals they will be working with as part of the instructional program.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
November 11, 2018
Reviewed Dates:
April 24, 2016/ August 6, 2023
Legal Reference:
88.4, Chapter 89B, Code of Iowa; 281 I.A.C. 12.3(9), 530 I.A.C. Chapter 130