Nondiscrimination. The Burlington Community School District will not discriminate against any applicant or employee with respect to selection, assignment, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, nor will it tolerate any harassment, based upon the applicant’s or employee’s race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Complaints of Discrimination or Harassment. Any applicant or employee alleging discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation or gender identity may follow the complaint procedures set forth in Code No. 400.4. Reporting improper discrimination or harassment will not reflect upon the individual’s status nor will it affect future employment, evaluation, or work assignments.

The complainant may bypass any step of the complaint procedure where the person to whom the complaint is to be lodged is the alleged perpetrator. The complainant may file the initial complaint with the compliance officer. Inquiries or complaints may also be directed to federal and state agencies, including the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Office of Civil Rights of the United States Department of Education. The complainant may be required to complete a complaint form and to turn over copies of evidence of discrimination or harassment including, but not limited to, tapes, memoranda, letters and pictures. The investigator shall promptly commence an investigation and proceed to completion. Both the complainant and the alleged perpetrator will be given an opportunity to give a statement. A written investigation report shall be completed, and a summary of the report, including a finding that the complaint was founded, unfounded, or inconclusive will be forwarded to the Superintendent. The Superintendent may conduct a further investigation. Upon completion of the Superintendent’s review of the investigative report, the Superintendent may adopt or modify the report. The Superintendent shall then forward the report to the complainant and to the alleged perpetrator and may impose discipline and/or other remedial action. If the Superintendent is the alleged perpetrator, the compliance officer shall investigate the complaint and shall then forward the summary of the report to the Board President.

Compliance Officer. The Director of Human Resources (319-753-6791), 1429 West Avenue, Burlington, Iowa 52601, is designated as the District’s compliance officer to insure that applicants and employees are treated in accordance with policy and this regulation. In the event the compliance officer is the alleged perpetrator, or is otherwise unavailable, the Director of Special Services (319-753-6791) shall be the alternate compliance officer. The compliance officer shall be responsible for coordinating the implementation, evaluation, and updating of written equal employment opportunity and affirmative action plans, with systematic input from diverse racial/ethnic groups, women, men and persons with disabilities.

Confidentiality. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the alleged perpetrator, will be respected consistent with the District’s legal obligations, and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.

No Retaliation. No person shall retaliate against an individual because the individual has filed a complaint, assisted or participated in an investigation, or has opposed language or conduct that violates policy or this regulation, as long as the participation or action was done in good faith.

Corrective Action. The District will take action to halt any improper discrimination or harassment and will take other appropriate corrective actions, including disciplinary measures which may include immediate discharge of a perpetrator, to remedy all violations of policy and this regulation.

Notice. In order to effectively communicate and interpret the District’s policies and plans to all levels of the administration and to all other employees, applicants, educational agencies and to the public, a statement of the District’s equal employment opportunity policy shall be distributed to all applicants for employment and shall be disseminated annually to employees, students, parents and recruitment sources.

Staff Development. Periodic training shall be provided all staff.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
August 26, 2007
Reviewed Dates:
April 24, 2016/ September 23, 2018/ August 6, 2023