Prior to purchasing or improving sites or prior to construction or remodeling of buildings, the Board or superintendent may appoint a committee of consultants, employees, citizens and others to assist in developing the specifications fo the new or improved buildings and sites. These specifications shall be consistent with the educational program and shall provide the architect or engineer with the information necessary to determine what is expected from the facility.

The educational specifications shall provide the architect or engineer with an inventory of program requirements, a statement of functional program relationships, specification of the number and character of classrooms, a description of needed specialized instructional facilities, the educational requirements for such areas as the library, outside site activities, gymnasium, cafeteria, auditorium, administrative offices, staff and student service facilities, public service or community service facilities and any other pertinent information which will be of significance.

First Adoption:
Revision Adoption:
June 30, 1992/ October 26, 1997/ July 16, 2006
Reviewed Dates:
June 28, 1989/ November 20, 2011/ May 21, 2017/ November 6, 2022
Legal Reference:
73A.2, Chapter 103A, Chapter 104A, Chapter 297, Code of Iowa