500 Series 500 - Students

500 500
500.1 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students View
500.2 Student Harassment, Bullying and Hazing View
501 Student Attendance
501.1 Resident Students View
501.2 Nonresident Students View
501.3 Compulsory Attendance View
501.4 Entrance – Admissions View
501.5 Attendance Center Assignment View
501.6 Student Transfers In View
501.7 Student Transfers Out or Withdrawals View
501.9 Student Absences – Excused View
501.11 Students Release During School Hours View
501.12 High School Attendance Policy View
501.13 Students of Legal Age View
501.16 Homeless Children and Youth View
502 Student Rights and Responsibilities
502.1 Student Appearance View
502.2 Care of School Property/Vandalism View
502.3 Freedom of Expression View
502.7 Tobacco Products —Alcoholic Beverages—Controlled Substances View
502.8 Search and Seizure View
502.9 Interrogations of Students by Outside Agencies View
502.10 Use of Motor Vehicles View
503 Student Discipline
503.3 Fines-Fees-Charges View
503.4 Student Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities View
503.5 Corporal Punishment, Mechanical Restraint and Prone Restraint View
503.6 Physical Restraint and Seclusion of Students View
504 Student Activities
504.1 Student Government View
504.2 Student Organizations View
504.3 Student Publications View
504.4 Student Performances View
504.5 Student Fundraising View
505 Student Scholastic Achievement
505.1 Student Progress Reports and Conferences View
505.2 Student Promotion – Retention – Acceleration View
505.3 Student Honors and Awards View
505.4 Evaluation and Assessment Program View
505.5 Graduation Requirements View
505.8 Physical Activity View
506 Student Records
506.1 Student Records Access View
506.3 Student Photographs View
506.4 Student Library Circulation Records View
507 Student Health and Well-Being
507.1 Student Health and Immunization Certificates View
507.2 Administration of Medications to Students View
507.3 Communicable Diseases-Students View
507.4 Student Injury or Illness at School View
507.5 Emergency Plans and Drills View
507.6 Student Insurance View
507.7 Custody and Parental Rights View
507.8 Special Health Services View
507.9 Investigating Allegations of Abuse of Students by School Personnel View
507.11 Human Immunodeficiency Virus and the Enrolled Student View
508 Miscellaneious Student-Related Matters
508.1 Class or Student Group Gifts View
508.8 Non-Public Shared-Time Students View
508.9 Crisis Intervention in a School Setting View
508.10 Joint Policy Between the City of Burlington and the Burlington School District Regarding Youth Gang Prevention Programs View
508.11 Student Social Events View