Our seven-member board is dedicated to guiding the district in its mission to inspire and challenge students through diverse opportunities and to have a profoundly positive impact on each student’s adult quality of life.

Our board members are elected to four-year terms by the community, with elections taking place in odd-numbered years.

Our Board of Education is a policy-making body whose decisions are carried out by district administrators. The board functions as a whole, and its authority lies within the will of its majority. No board member has the power to act independently. Board members work collaboratively to ensure the highest standards of education and operational excellence within our schools.

Board Meetings

The school board meets at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise noted, at the Administration Building, 1429 West Ave., to discuss and make decisions on important matters affecting the district.

These meetings are open to the public, and we encourage community members to attend and participate. Public comments are welcome during the public comments portion of each meeting. Community members wishing to make public comment will be asked to state their name and address and to keep their comments to five minutes or less.

Can’t make it to a meeting? Follow along from home by watching the live stream or past meetings here.

Contact the Board

We value the input and feedback of our community. Please feel free to contact any of our board members with questions, concerns, or suggestions. You can reach the board by emailing directors@bcsds.org/.

Thank you for your interest in the Burlington Community School Board. Together, we are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience for every student.