BCSD Registration Checklist

BCSD Registration Checklist

For anyone registering a new student(s) who was not enrolled in our district on the last day of the previous school year, you will need to bring the following to register:

  1. Name of previous school, city, and state (the secretary will fax a request
    for student records to your child’s previous school).
  2. Proof of birth date for age/parental verification. (e.g. Birth Certificate,
    Hospital Record of Birth, Baptismal Record, Insurance Card, Military ID)
    is required for students enrolling into the district.
  3. Court documents with information regarding the custody of the
    student or if the student is mentioned in a protection order (if
  4. Up to date immunizations or Medical/Religion exemption waiver.
  5. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Information:
    a. Name
    b. Preferred Phone Number
    c. Email Address
    d. Place of Employment
    e. Employer’s Phone Number
  6. Emergency Contact(s) Information:
    a. Name
    b. Phone Number
    c. Relationship to Student
  7. Medical considerations and medicines that need to be noted.
  8. Doctor and dentist name/phone numbers (if known).